1. I think this is a good idea because not all songs are equal and length and it is unfair if one song has a lot more lines then the other does because then obviously it is going to have a lot more poetic devices within the song. I also think though that it should be taken into consideration that some songs could have many poetic devices but just be too long or repeating and that could affect the score and what the outcome would be.
2. I think that epithet should be included in the scoring system. An epithet is an adjective or an adjective phrase that appropriately qualifies a noun and adds emphasis to it. An example would be “ragged noise”. Catachresis should be included in the scoring system. It is an extravagant implied metaphor using words in an alien or unusual way. Amplification should be included in the scoring system. It involves repeating a word or expression while adding more detail to it, in order to emphasize what might otherwise be passed over.
3. I think that cliché should be deleted because many writers now a day use clichés in their songs and the students should not be punished for something like that. Even people now a day’s use clichés.
4. I like the way the lay out is now rather than before. It is more understanding to someone who is looking at it for the first time and it also is very user friendly.
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